Contoh Soal-Jawab UTS/PTS Semester II Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 K13 - Blog Pendidikan

Contoh Soal-Jawab UTS/PTS Semester II Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 K13

Ulangan atau penilaian tengah semester II adalah sebuah tahapan ujian pada semester II yang mesti dilalui oleh setiap peserta didik. Peranan UTS/PTS ini menjadi amat urgen karena ia turut menentukan pada hal kenaikan pelajar ke tahapan berikutnya.

Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah diantara mata pembelajaran yang untuk sebagaian pelajar dianggap selaku mapel yang sulit. Namun demikian, dengan belajar yang bersungguh-sungguh, para peserta didik jelas akan dapat mengatasi hal tersebut.

Tulisan ini dimaksudkan selaku alat belajar untuk para pelajar dengan menyediakan bahan Contoh Soal-Jawab UTS/PTS Semester II Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Kurikulum 2013.

Pendekatan yang digunakan pada perancangan soal ini yakni kurikulum 2013. Rujukan pada perancangan soal yakni Buku Pelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2017. Dengan demikian, bahan soal yang terdapat di halaman situs web ini tentu saja memenuhi asas kebaruan atau novelty.

Bahan yang diujikan pada UTS/PTS mapel Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas Delapan (VIII/8) ini meliputi tiga bab, yaitu:

Chapter VII. My uncle is a zookeeper …………………………………………. 85
Chapter VIII. What are you doing? ……………………………………………….. 101
Chapter IX. Bigger is not always better ……………………………………. 119

Berikut yakni tautan Unduh Contoh Soal Siap UTS/PTS Mapel Bahasa Inggris Semester Dua (II/2) SMP/MTs Kelas Delapan (VIII/8) Kurikulum 2013:

Berikut yakni kutipan dari Contoh Soal-Jawab UTS/PTS Semester II Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 K13 tersebut:

21. The boys and the girls ….. busy cleaning up the class.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Were
D. Was

22. Everybody in the class has the special task. Udin has a job to clean up the floor by …… it
A. Sweeping
B. Cleaning
C. Showering
D. Mopping

23. Lina … cleaning the whiteboard now.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Were
D. Was

24. Some students are writing ….
A. In their notebook
B. In their class
C. In the middle
D. In the end

25. We are …. English in the classroom right now.
A. Studying
B. Study
C. Studied
D. Have been studying

26. Read the following conversation carefully!
Tedi: ……. Udin?
Udin: I’m doing my homework for tomorrow.
A. What are you doing
B. What is going on
C. What is happening
D. What day is it today

27. Read the following conversation carefully!
Tedi: What are the girls doing right there?
Udin: They are ….
A. Studying
B. Study
C. Studied
D. Have been studying

28. Read the following conversation carefully!
Tedi: What are they ….. ?
Udin: They are talking about the football game.

A. Talking on
B. Talking in
C. Talking about
D. Talking to

29. Read the following conversation carefully!
Tedi: Are you studying English?
Udin: ….. . I’m studying mathematic
A. No I am not
B. No we are not
C. No I don’t
D. No they don’t

30. Read the following conversation carefully!
Tedi: Are they talking about us?
Udin: No, ………….
A. I think so.
B. They are talking about us
C. I don’t think so
D. They do so.

31. Bono is taller than Dani. Dani is then …. Bono.
A. Shorter
B. Better
C. Worse
D. The best

32. Donkey and horse look alike but horse is …. than donkey.
A. Smaller
B. Taller
C. Bigger
D. Longer

33. Mountain is higher than the hill. Hill is …. Than the mountain.
A. Lower
B. Bigger
C. Longer
D. Better

34. I have cotton on my left hand. On my right hand, I have stone. They have the same size but stone is …… than cotton.
A. Heavier
B. Lighter
C. Smaller
D. Bigger

35. Hasan is 15 years old. Joni is 14 years old. Joni is ……. than Hasan.
A. Older
B. Younger
C. Taller
D. Higher

36. My ruler is 30 cm long. Joni’s ruler is 25 cm long. Joni’s ruler is …….. than my ruler.
A. Longer
B. Higher
C. Shorter
D. Taller

37. The old car is faster than horse cat. The horse cat is ……. the old car
A. Higher
B. Taller
C. Slower
D. Shorter

38. I can lift the desk. Hasan can’t move the desk I have moved. I am …… than Hasan.
A. Slower
B. Shorter
C. Stronger
D. Weaker

39. I got 95 in English and 65 in Mathematic. I think Mathematic is ……. than English.
A. Easier
B. More difficult
C. Heavier
D. Lighter

40. Ratna: “Getting a bad mark is bad. But cheating is ……. It is not honest.”
A. Better
B. Worse
C. Less good
D. The best

Demikian tulisan mengenai

Unduh Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawabab Siap UTS/PTS Mapel Bahasa Inggris Semester Dua (II/2) SMP/MTs Kelas Delapan (VIII/8) Kurikulum 2013

Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses selalu!


