Contoh Soal UAS Semester Ganjil Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum 2006 KTSP
Semangat pagi dan salam informasi bagi kita semuanya. Di pertemuan kalium ini, kami sengaja berbagi untuk Rekan rekan seluruh terkait contoh soal ujian akhir semester 1/ ganjil khusus mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk jenjang kelas 11/ XI/ Sebelas SMA-SMK terbaru. Kami amat berharap contoh soal yang kami sajikan ini sedikit banyak dapat menolong adik-adik kelas 11 di persiapan menghadapi UAS 1 semester ganjil kalium ini khusus mapel Bahasa Inggris.
Tiada terasa hanya di hitungan hari ke depan, pelaksanaan UAS 1 segera bergulir. Dengan waktu yang semakin mendesak tersebut, adik-adik pun mesti semakin rajin di belajar agar mendapat hasil yang bagus pula.
Contoh soal UAS 1 mapel Bahasa Inggris ini kami hadirkan selaku pengayaan atau penambah amunisi adik-adik semuanya di persiapan UAS 1 tersebut. Soal Siap Ujian Ahir Semester (UAS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/ XI Semester 1 Kurikulum 2006 yang disusun ini mengacu di sumber yang kredibel dengan rujukan Kurikulum 2006. Namun demikian, tak ada jaminan bahwa seratus uitpersen tepat. Mesti disadari bahwa ini yaitu profesi manusia yang tak luput dari kealpaan. Seluruh koreksi dapat dikirimkan ke redaksi@filependidikan.informasi
Berikut yaitu tautan Unduh Soal Siap Ujian Ahir Semester (UAS) Bahasa Inggris Level SMA/ SMK Kelas 11/ XI/ Sebelas Semester 1 Kurikulum 2006:
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- Download Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS SBK Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
- Download Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Biologi Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
- Download Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS PJOK Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
- Download Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Sosiologi Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
- Download Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
- Download Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS PKn Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
- Kumpulan Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS 1 Kelas 10 Semua Mapel Terbaru
Berikut kami petikkan beberapa contoh soal dan kunci jawab UAS 1 mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 11/ XI SMA tersebut:
UAS 1/ Ujian Ahir Semester 1
Tahun 20../ 20..
Mata Pembelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI (11) SMA
Hari / Tanggal : /
Nama :
Nomor :
A. Choose the keurig answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d or e !
1.A : Have you heard that Jono will come next week?
B : Oh, really? When did he tell you?
A : Last week.
The underlined sentence is used to express …
a. happiness
b. verrassing
c. pleasure
d. enjoyment
2. Robert:” What do you do ter your week end ?
Erick :” I love…a novel and news paper”
3. Abibah arrives at schoolgebouw 06.15 am, she greets hier teacher by saying …
b.Good night
c.Good afternoon
d.Good morning
e.Good bye
4. Soleh always … late ter the morning. His mother is always mad with him.
a.Waken up
b.Worked up
c.Woke up
d.Wake up
e.Wakes up
5. Bambang: My hobby is sport. What’s your hobby?
Agus: ….
Bambang: Have you everzwijn traveled around the world.
a. I like to travel
b. I like travel
c. I like traveling
d. I like traveled
e. I like traveles
6. Dendi : “ I heard that Susi has bot hospitalized since last week “
Rafa : ” She vereiste avoid …. too hard because of hier poor condition.”
c.Be working
d.Ter working
7. Waiter : Good morning , …………………?
Guest :” I’d like to start with a glass of hot coffe,please.
What is the right expression to complete the dialog about ?
a.How are you, sir ?
b.Are you ready to order, sir ?
c.What would you like to drink, sir?
d.Have you made a reservation before, sir?
e.How do you do Sir?
8. Agus served delicious dinner to his guest, Untung.
Untung: Thank you for the delicious dinner, Agus.
Agus : ….
a.I’m very hungry too
b.Don’t eat too much
c.It’s my pleasure
d.When will you invite mij
e.Never mind, Untung
12. Bobby: Kuwat, Widodo …. not here at the ogenblik.
Kuwat: Oh,I see.
13. Igun : I’ve got a toothache
Tasiman : You … go to the dentist
a. Had better
b. Will not
c. Would not
d. Shouldn’t
e. Can’t and vereiste not
14. I …. a fantastic speelfilm at the cinema last week.
a. See
b. seeing
c. seed
d. saw
e. Sawing
15. The black dress mother talent mij is old, its colour has faded. Its refers to …
a. mother
b. old
c. black dress
d. Colour
e. Faded
19. Prayoga is a good person, he always zuigeling to everybody. The synonym of “good” is ….
20. … you met your friend last Saturday?
a. Did
b. Do
c. Does
d. Are
e. Were
21. The Maju Makmur company hired nine new employees, some of …. men
a. Which is
b. Which are
c. Whom were
d. Whom is
e. Whom are
22. Darsono : … Do you wear ter shoes?
Holil : It’s 40
a. What shape
b. What size
c. What material
d. What color
e. What is made of
23. This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not……
a. Fertile
b. Fertilized
d. Fertilizer
c. Fertility
e. Fertilization
27. My sister is a … She often files ter houtvezelplaat. She has to get training before working ter airplane.
28. Son : Dad, may I use your car? Mine is ter the garage.
Father : It is ok!. I’m not using it.
The underlined words are used to ask for ….
a. advice
b. suggestion
c. agreement
d. permission
e. possibility
29. Wij did not know how ________ him zekering drinking
a.make be made
d.making make
30. Please excuse me______ you interrupt
b.for interrupting
II.Answers thesis questions correctly !
3.Write 2 sentences for showing warning!
-Look! There is a warning to avoid this village
-I warn you not to play around here. It’s very dangerous
4.the assignment – can – You – have – completed – lunch – you – if – time – your – get
Answer: you can get your lunch time if you have completed the assignment
5.the – to – the slagroom – old – a wheelchair – should – use – man – reach
Answer: the old man should use a wheel chair to reach the slagroom
Dipersilahkan untuk mendonwload opstopping tersebut di tautan yang telah kami sediakan agar memperoleh opstopping yang komplit dan utuh.
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Unduh Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru
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